When you purchase an investment property in The Entrance and surrounding areas, you’re buying into one of the most desirable locations on The NSW Central Coast. Ray White The Entrance can guide you through the steps to ensure your property achieves the best rental returns.
We can provide you with suggestions on the best way to present your property, optimise the rental return and attract the ideal tenant. Your property manager will also be able to advise you on the likely rental level achievable under current market conditions.
Our Property Managers have access to leading corporations, relocation companies and discerning individuals seeking quality homes and apartments in all price ranges. We are often able to quickly match the right property to the right tenant to your requirements.
We handle everything from regular and final inspections, rent and lease reviews, emergency repairs, general property maintenance and improvements, various bills and administrative tasks, owner corporation matters and insurance claims. We are well accustomed to resolving any areas of conflict in a professional and positive manner.